"A story is the shortest distance between people." -Pat Speigh
From a legacy perspective, we tell our stories for ourselves and as a gift to future generations.
We invite each and everyone of you to use this forum to share your stories and join us in connecting past and present to the future. To help us get started, please enjoy this collection of short stories from cousin Aldei "Kawika" Gregoire. Mahalo Kawika!!
From a legacy perspective, we tell our stories for ourselves and as a gift to future generations.
- Stories connect the past and present to the future.
- Our stories and our learning from them honors and respects our ancestors and us.
- They can awaken future generations to their potential. They model a way to use their stories to release themselves as they connect to their history and to our values.
We invite each and everyone of you to use this forum to share your stories and join us in connecting past and present to the future. To help us get started, please enjoy this collection of short stories from cousin Aldei "Kawika" Gregoire. Mahalo Kawika!!
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