EcologicalWild game destroy vegetation, accelerates erosion, modifies soil chemistry, and spreads threatening weeds. Left unimpeded, they will continue to destroy crops and pollute streams. Moreover, meat that is humanely and safely harvested has no adverse impacts on water quality or the environment.
Superior Nutrition Wild game is free of hormones and antibiotics, is not genetically modified, and does not contribute to the proliferation of super-bugs. It holds a healthy balance of omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and is richer in iron, niacin and B vitamins than the meat from ordinary livestock. It typically contains fewer calories than commercially raised meat and has more protein.
EconomicalA "herd share" or cooperative allows members to pool their funds and create a business that they own, control democratically, and benefit from financially based on how much they patronize (or use) the cooperative. Cooperatives creates market opportunities, helps underrepresented people, and keeps profits in the local community.